Sometimes, landing a great paying job with lots of benefits comes at the cost of having to relocate. This relocation may occur within the same country where you hold citizenship, or it may require you to travel overseas. Regardless, moving to a new area and settling in it can be tough. It is for this reason that many people choose to use a corporate relocation service.
How do Corporate Relocation Services Work?
Relocating to a new city will require you move your belongings, unless you intend on keeping it in storage or with relatives. Depending on how much stuff you have, you will need professionals to assist you, especially if you intend to move things which are fragile or costly. Relocation services help you move your belonging and get settled into a new location. However, when deciding which service to go with, there are a number of inquiries you’ll want to make.
Things to Inquire About when Choosing a Corporate Relocation Service
When transitioning from one place to another, you want to make sure it is as smooth and hassle free as possible. Therefore, when deciding which corporate relocation service to choose there are a number of things you will want to ask. Do they have an office in the city where you’ll be moving to? If the service is based in the U.S., are they listed in the American Moving and Storage Association?
Is the corporate relocation service licensed? How many years have they been operating and what are the average number of relocations they perform monthly? Are the employees that work for the relocation service full time or temporary workers? This is an important question to ask because if the company relies heavily on temp workers this could be a sign that they don’t have the proper insurance.
Additional Features to Look Out for
Good corporate relocation services will train their employees well, as training is necessary to correctly package, protect and transport your belongings. It is also critically important to only work with services that insure your goods. Even if a mover is insured, this doesn’t necessarily mean that your belongings will be fully covered in the event they are damaged, stolen or lost. A corporate relocation service should also provide a cancellation policy. Their pricing structure should be diverse and reasonable, and you’ll need to get estimates on how much you’ll need to spend.
Getting a Price Quote
You will want to begin by getting a general quote by email or phone, but never rely too much on it. The only way to get an estimate which is accurate is through a visit from a company representative who can look through your home and see the things that will need to be moved.
Be wary of any company that is not willing to take the time to send one of its representatives to your current residence to evaluate your belongings to give an estimate, because if you choose to do business with them, you may find yourself paying more than your bargained for, which is never pleasant.